Participatory Rapid Appraisal for Community Development: a training manual based on experiences in the Middle East and North Africa

Publication year: 

This manual is aimed primarily at NGOs and assumes that trainers have a prior knowledge of PRA techniques. The first section deals with how to plan and organise a training course in PRA, suggesting a set of questions, the ten steps of planning and giving checklists for planning, for materials and examples of warm-ups. The second section describes the individual training sessions in detail, covering the theoretical background to PRA (including PRA versus other research techniques) and a session on each PRA technique introduced. Each method is accompanied by handouts that could be photocopied, suggested activities and hints for the trainer. Particular emphasis is placed on PRA as part of a project planning process, suggesting an "innovation assessment and sustainability matrix" exercise. General fieldwork guidelines are included, but no detail of how to carry out individual activities in the field.

Interest groups: 
This detailed manual would be particularly useful to trainers of trainers and trainers when planning the classroom-based part of a PRA training course.
149 p.
IIED & Save the Children
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H ODD, UK|Also available in Arabic from Center for Development Studies, 4 Ahmed Pasha St., Citibank Bldg., 6th Floor, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt
Publisher reference: 
IIED & Save the Children

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00