Participatory planning with pastoralists: some recent experiences

Publication year: 

The paper reviews experiences of participatory planning with pastoralists. It looks at the specific needs of pastoral planning and discusses how planning with pastoralists differs from that in agricultural settings. The paper also discusses some of the problems and limitations of participatory planning, and some of the ethical issues raised in the process. It concludes that most RRA/PRA methods can be useful in planning with pastoralists if applied in a flexible way. However, some concepts used in planning with settled farmers are not suited to mobile herders. Planning with pastoralists requires an approach oriented to social rather than territorial units.

Interest groups: 
Of interest to researchers, NGO fieldworkers and local-level planners working with pastoralists
27 p.
Drylands Programme, IIED
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London. WC1H 0DD.
Publisher reference: 
Drylands Programme, IIED

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D : Pastoralism 987
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00