Participatory planning approaches for local governance: case studies

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This collection of case studies was prepared for the LogoLink International workshop on Participatory Planning Approaches for Local Governance, held in Bandung, Indonesia, January 2002. The workshop brought together 34 participants from 18 countries to discuss lessons and insights from a wide range of experiences in participatory local governance. The case studies are divided by region (Latin America, Africa, Asia and others) and include the following presentations: La participación ciudadana en Estelí*, by Pérez Acuña (in Spanish); Write-ups on Estelí’s participatory planning initiative*, by Howard; Situational strategic planning and citizen participation processes in Tlalpan, Mexico, by Rodriguez; The participation of social actors traditionally excluded in the planning of the municipal development in Eastern Bolivia*, by Linzer; Transformation and empowerment through the Participatory Budget*, Brazil, by Baierle; Case study on participatory planning initiatives presented by the urban trust of Namibia*, by Haufiku; Public participation in the Western Cape, South Africa*, by Achmat; Combined Harare residents’ association’s participatory planning approaches, by Mangodza; Participatory planning, the case of the Bunda District, Tanzania, by Hosea; Various innovation fact sheets – Uganda, by Bazaara; Poblacion North, adopting  participatory governance in the Barangay*, Philippines, by Tiongson; Building empowered sustainable committee through effective people’s participation in governance, the Caret experience in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan*, Philippines, by Ramos; BATMAN Philippines presentation*, by Ramos; The making of democratic local governance in Indonesia*, by Antlöv; Encouraging citizen participation through partnership approach, the experience of Indonesian partnership on local governance initiatives- IPGI , Indonesia by Sjaifudian; Enhancing civic engagement in local governance: the case of Majalaya Town, Bandung municipality, West Java Province, Indonesia, by Sjaifudian; From centralistic to participatory planning: lessons learned in social safety net program, Indonesia, by Firman; Participatory planning in decentralised governance for building sustainable models of development in rural areas of Madhya Pradesh, India, by Nagar; Participatory planning exercises: two cases from India (Kerala and Lakshadweep), by Chatukulam; The Road to Success: Women Showed the Way. Experience On Participatory Planning & Local Self-Governance*, India, by Jamuar; Participatory planning process: IUCN Pakistan experience with environmental rehabilitation in NWFP and Punjab, by Malik; Participation in budget process in Russian cities: St.Petersburg, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Velikije Luki, Samara, Novosibirsk, Yuzno-Sakhalinsk, St. Petersburg Humanities and political Studies Centre “Strategy” Participatory Planning Initiative*, Russia, by Vinogradova; The Community needs survey: research as a participatory planning tool- Cipher- LOGO*, United States, by Gupta; and Access denied: the fight for full enrolment-NWFCO*, United States by Hall.

Source publication information
Workshop documents series
LogoLink, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK
International Workshop on Participatory Planning Approaches for Local Governance
Conference Location: 
Bandung, Indonesia, 20-27 January, 2002
Publisher reference: 

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D : Governance : Participation in local, decentralised and democratic governance 4965
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