The report summarises the findings of research carried out during the first phase of the Isiolo Livestock Development Project (ILDP) in Kenya. The study focused mainly on the Boran herding population of Isiolo District, to provide information and proposals for development interventions in the second phase. Participatory methods, as well as more conventional approaches, were used during the fieldwork. The participatory methods used are described in Annex 2. Wealth ranking was used to find out whether wealth, particularly in livestock, was spread equally or unequally through the communities studied. A problem and solution ranking game, based on a common board game well known to the inhabitants of Isiolo, was played to find out how different groups viewed their problems and possible solutions to them.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
Researchers and community-level fieldworkers
241 p.
Publisher reference:
Isiolo Livestock Development Project