This document presents training notes on participatory learning and action (PLA) that were used for the Participatory Social Assessment Training Estonia Agriculture Forestry Project. The notes present a general overview of approaches, techniques and methods in PLA in the context of agriculture and forestry in general. It does not elaborate especially on an Estonian situation. The characteristics of different types of participation are presented, as well as the principles and terms of systems of PLA, and methods for systems of PLA (for group and team dynamics, sampling, interview and dialogue, and visualisation and diagramming). Criteria for trustworthiness and scientific reliability in information are examined. The notes briefly go through the basics of semi-structured interviewing; participatory visualisation and diagramming; resource mapping and modelling; social mapping and well-being analysis; transect walks; seasonality analysis; daily routines and activity profiles; time trends and time lines; institutional analysis using Venn and network diagrams; preference analysis using matrix scoring and ranking; and systems analysis. The different methods are illustrated by diagrams from case studies relating to forestry and agriculture in developing countries. The document also provides brief notes on applications of PRA (participatory rural appraisal) methods for impact analysis; a new professionalism for sustainable agriculture, presenting the institutional learning process and training cycle, and conditions for sustainable agriculture; the relation of different characteristics and indicators for agricultural systems and their relation to the farm-household system; and potential variables for farming systems zoning.
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