Participatory environmental assessment and planning for development

Publication year: 

A detailed report of a 13 day workshop which spent several days in two field locations, with initial workshop sessions on environmental needs (including sustainable development and environmental impact assessments) and PRA. The theoretical training is illustrated, along with the handouts and flipcharts created. Several days were spent in the field, at two locations and the different experiences and methods used are discussed. In each village, specific issues were identified and potential opportunities identified. This included the digging of irrigation channels and the improvement of existing wells. The poor security situation was the most common explanation for the lack of villagers motivation to conduct any improvements. Evaluations of the field visits were carried out, as well as an examination of participants feelings about the theoretical sessions. Finally, it is recognised that Oxfam must follow up the work done during the field visits, as expectations of villagers had been raised. The potential for further training was also identified.

Interest groups: 
Of interest to trainers, and field practitioners seeking practical examples of field based training sessions
Source publication information
Report on a workshop in Cambodia, November-December 1992
73 p.
OXFAM, 274 Banbury Road, Oxford. OX2 7DZ.UK.

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Agriculture and NRM : Environmental issues 904
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00