The stated aims of this tool kit and the visual aids it contains are not only to encourage community participation in planning and development, but also to enable field workers to have a visual "spark" which will enable them to work more effectively in the field. It is recognised that many of the activities can be conducted without the prepared materials, ie mapping and ranking on the ground. However, they consider that visuals can help to break barriers, although the danger remains that the process is extractive as the visuals will be removed from the community, or that they are not transferrable between cultures. The introduction describes the materials and their suggested use, as well as a few of the pitfalls associated with such a kit. There are 25 folders, each containing a number of visuals, which are very specific to particular circumstances. These are designed for the excercises which are described in the second part of the instruction book, which indicates purpose, time, audience, materials needed, materials supplied and directions on how to conduct the excercise. The target audience ranges from staff and trainers, to community members
Publication year:
Interest groups:
Possible interest to community level workers for ideas prior to departure to the field
Publisher reference:
World Bank