Participatory approaches for sustainable land use in Southeast Asia

Publication year: 

This book presents an in-depth analysis and discussion of participatory research and development in action, with an emphasis on the needs of rural communities in marginal regions of Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, the Philippines, South China, Thailand and Vietnam. In the book, 38 scientists and development practitioners share their multidisciplinary experiences and discuss the relevance, application and pitfalls of participatory approaches to research and development. Most of the chapters have evolved from papers presented at the international workshop: æParticipatory technology development and local knowledge for sustainable land use in Southeast AsiaÆ held from 6-7 June 2001, in Chiang Mai Thailand. The book is divided into 8 key sections: introduction (with an article by Andreas Neef); identifying potentials and constraints of participatory approaches to research and development (including articles by Philippe Lavigne-Delville, Nour-Eddine Sellamna and Marilou Mathieu; Hans-Dieter Bechstedt; and Dieter Neubert); integrating stakeholdersÆ perspectives in research projects in Southeast Asia (including articles by Andreas Neef and Franz Heidhues; Dindo Campilan; and Olivier Tessier et al.); advancing participatory technology development for sustainable land use: methods and approaches (including articles by Bijaya Bajracharya et al.; Olivier Tessier and Patrice Lamballe; and Meine can Noordwijk); assessing GIS-based participatory approaches: opportunities and challenges (including articles by Giacomo Rambaldi and Jasmin Callosa-Tarr; John McKinnon; ad Oliver Puginier); recognising local knowledge in integrated nature resource management (including articles by Michael Fremerey; Laxman Joshi et al.; and Francois Bousquet et al.); institutionalising participatory research and extension in the Southeast Asian context (including articles by Orapan Nabangchang; John Connell; and Vanthong Phengvichith et al.); and conclusions and outlook (with an article by Uwe Jens Nagel et al.).

411 p.
White Lotus Press
White Lotus Co., Ltd, G.P.O. Box 1141, Bangkok 10501, Thailand
Publisher reference: 
White Lotus Press

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A : Participatory Approaches : Participatory research 4883
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00