Participatory approaches in micro-finance and micro-finance enterprise development

Biggar, Nigel
Publication year: 

This IDS Source Pack aims to give an introduction to micro-finance and micro-enterprise and provide a comprehensive listing of other good sources of information on the subject. An introductory article by Christian Sorenson gives an overview of the subject. This is followed by some readings which include: a look at how to identify the poorest clients around the world; details of how participatory monitoring and evaluation can strengthen a street youth micro-entrepreneurs programme in the Dominican Republic; and information about the work of a rural women's bank in India. The last section gives details of around twenty recommended materials on micro-finance.

Source publication information
Participation source pack No. 1
36 p.
Participation Group, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Income, credit and savings 3896
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00