A brief description paper of PIM and PIM partners. PIM relies on process inherent in grassroots organisations and the focus is on monitoring rather than planning or evaluation. PIM is being developed in various grassroots organisations around the world and the results are being collaborated by FAKT/GATE. A small PIM guide is to be produced shortly. PIM addresses the fact that self help organisations suffer when there is an over-emphasis on technical goals and a neglect of the social component, particularly the dynamics of group building. Constant observation of the impact of a group's work, particularly socio-cultural, followed by reflection, allows the activities to be adapted as required and the group members to enhance their social and analytical skills. The different expectations of sub-groups are recognised.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
The methods and ideas underlying PIM may be of interest to NGO fieldworkers and researchers in the South.
Publisher reference:
Association for Appropriate Technologies (FAKT) and German Appropriate Technologies Exchange (GATE)