Participation in poverty assessments

Publication year: 

This document addresses the World BankÆs approach to country poverty assessments. It looks at the increasing involvement of stakeholder groups, with the aim of building in-country capacity to address the problems of the poor. With examples from a number of countries, it argues that the participation of government and other institutional stakeholders in all aspects of the work increases sensitivity to poverty issues, enhances analytical skills, and builds allegiance to the measures proposed for poverty reduction. In addition it claims that, conventional statistical analysis is complimented by qualitative information from participatory social assessments, which reveal the concerns voiced by the poor.

Source publication information
World Bank. Environment Department dissemination notes, No. 20
World Bank
World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, USA
Washington, D.C.
Publisher reference: 
World Bank

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D : World Bank and participation 1651
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00