The Participation of non governmental organisations in poverty alleviation: a case study of the Honduras Social Investment Fund Project.

Publication year: 

The report analyses the role of NGOs in the Honduras Social Investment fund (FHIS) operations. The primary purpose of the report is to asses actual NGO participation against the role envisioned for NGOs in the Staff Appraisal Reports (SARs) for both credits. It also presents information and suggestions that may be useful in future collaborations among the World Bank, governments, and NGOs. The report is divided into various chapters. It provides a summary description of the project, and overviews of NGOs in Honduras, and NGO participation in the FHIS from 1990 to 1995. It looks at the types of involvement, the participation of NGOs as Subproject Executors, the outcome and a cost benefit analysis of NGO participation. The remaining section is on lessons learned for the future roles of NGOs in the FHIS, NGO selection, Technical Assistance and Training, supervision and evaluation, administrative delays and the Subproject sustainability.

Source publication information
World Bank discussion papers, No. 295
World Bank
The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, USA
Washington D.C.
Publisher reference: 
World Bank

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00