participation and indigenous peoples.

Publication year: 

This document is based on a paper written by Davis, S. H and Soeftestad, L. T as a contribution to the World Bank Participation Sourecebook. It states that the characteristics of indigenous groups make participatory approaches especially critical to safeguarding their interests in the development process. Although such approaches, which recognise the right indigenous peoples to participate actively in planning their own futures are supported by major donors and international organisations, they have proved very difficult to implement. It advises that these approaches call for changes in attitudes, policies and legislation to address the key issues: recognising rights to land and natural resources; ensuring culturally appropriate procedures for consultation and communication; and building on the strengths of traditional lifestyles and institutions.

Source publication information
World Bank. Environment Department dissemination notes, No.21
World Bank
The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20433, USA
Washington, D.C.
Publisher reference: 
World Bank

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00