A Participant's Diary of a PRA Exercise: Garuda-Kempanahalli

Publication year: 

The DVD documents a PRA exercise which was carried out in a village in Karnataka in south India, facilitated by the NGO group MYRADA. The PRA started the process of developing an integrated plan for the watershed with the village community. The film focuses on the sequence and methods used during the PRA. The first activity was an ice-breaker and equaliser, where the outside participants attempted to perform routine village tasks (02). Next, seasonality diagramming provided information on rainfall, employment patterns for men and women, and patterns of income and expenditure (04). Watershed resource mapping and modelling (06) and transects then gave more detailed information about the watershed (07). At an evening group meeting the information which had been gathered was presented and discussed, with a focus on the major issues and how they were to be dealt with. The villagers decided that it was important to reforest the upper catchment to minimise erosion (12). A matrix ranking of local trees was then carried out to determine the use and importance of different species to the villagers (13). This provided the basis for deciding the mix of species for the reforestation plan. Time lines and venn (or 'chapati') diagrams of village institutions depicted the social environment of the village (16). Wealth ranking information was added to a social map (17). The PRA concluded with an evening social event for all the participants (20).

Interest groups: 
A good introduction to PRA, this video will be of interest to PRA trainers as well as NGO and other community-level workers.
Source publication information
MYRADA, 2 Service Road, Domlur Layout, Bangalore 560071, India. Tel: (080) 5593166/5572028. Fax: (080) 5569982
Rs 500 plus Rs 50 (postage) within India; Rs 500 plus Rs 150 (postage) outside India
22 mins

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00