Particiaptory development : a brief review of CIDA's experience and potential

Publication year: 

This document reviews the experiences of the Canada International Development Agency (CIDA) in participatory development. It starts by presenting a conceptual framework analysis of the meaning of participatory development, identifying criteria and components to be considered in the context of CIDA's experience. Three different levels of participatory development - macro, meso and micro - are looked at separately. Macro implications at policy level are examined, with respect to democratic processes, human rights and good governance. Participation at the meso level is discussed around issues of capacity development and institutional development, while lessons learned from sectoral and multi-sectoral projects and programmes are examined from the perspective of participation at the micro level. Methodologies useful to participatory development efforts are described briefly. The document concludes by recommending means by which participatory development could be improved in CIDA's future interventions.

38 p. + Appendices
CIDA, Policy Branch, 200 Promenade du protage, Hull, Quebec, K1A 0GA, Canada
Publisher reference: 

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Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
A : Participatory Approaches : General 3801
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00