This is the first of four distance learning courses (other courses are: Advocacy, Barangay Administration, and Barangay Development Planning and Enterprise Development) that have been prepared by the Education for Life Foundation as distance learning modules. This first course is organized in four five units as follows: You and Your Barangay (village); Democratic Participation in Local Governance; Power, Engagement and Development through Local Governance; The Progressive Barangay û an Instrument of Development; and Leadership in Barangay Governance. The main material is the workbook for course enrollees which is user-friendly, with helpful illustrations and tables. There is enough space for enrollees to work on for most exercises making it possible for the enrollees to refer back to material that they had already covered.|For each of the five units in this course, the learning objectives are clearly spelled out as well as the total time required to complete the unit. Each unit is further broken up into readings with clear discussion guides, and exercises and assignments that intend to help bring the readings into a more practical understanding of the workings of the barangay. While most of these exercises and assignments are intended to be individually completed by the course enrollee, there are some exercises that will involve group efforts with other course enrollees. These group activities are to be organized and faciliated by a Learning Guide, to be identified by the enrollees themselves. The course workbook also includes very clear reflection guides after exercises and assignments, and at the end of every unit.|Three cassette tapes with accompanying audio material recommended for listening throughout the course come with the course book. Also, there is a Guide to Learning for the course student that explains the distance learning approaches adapted, the structure of the course, and suggestions for effective learning. There is also a Guide for the Learning Guides who are expected to help organize and facilitate the group learning sessions with other students as recommended in the course. The Guide for Learning Guides clearly spells out the roles of the Learning Guide in the distance learning process and includes practical pointers on how the Learning Guides can help facilitate learning. All material is in Pilipino.
Publication year:
351; 79; 35 p.
Publisher reference: