This is a collection of short articles reporting experiences of using various PRA methods in health projects. The first article describes the use of body mapping, to explore women's perceptions of a range of bodily processes and the effects of medical interventions on the body. This was done as part of a project to train women change agents and dais (traditional birth attendants). The second describes an experience of using Venn diagrams in an urban setting. Drawing Venn diagrams was used to initiate discussion about choice of health care provider in a Bombay slum. However, little 'negotiation' over answers occurred among the participants, who did not comment on each others' answers. Consequently, group consensus did not emerge. It is suggested that the lack of discussion might be due to the number of options available in Bombay, or because of embarrassment at contradicting others. The third article discusses social and health mapping in a poor rural village. It is noted that the health map did not account for food intake, an important indicator of health. The final two articles discuss the use of qualitative research methods in analysing personal case histories, the last being an in depth case study of Nigerian Yoruba women's health in their socio-economic and historical context.
Interest groups:
These articles may be of interest to those applying PRA methods in research on health issues.
pp. 5-21