NGOs and peace building research project: Liberia case study

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This paper forms part of a broader study on NGOs and peace building in complex political emergencies carried out by the Institute of Development Policy Management at the University of Manchester. The Liberian case study consists of five papers including a synthesis study, community survey, an historical analysis of political NGOs and an account of the role of local NGOs. This paper presents findings from the agency survey through an examination of agency activity in general in Liberia and that the three selected NGOs, (Lutherian World Service/World Federation, Special Emergency Life Food and Save the Children). The methodology involved observation of NGO programmes during the community level fieldwork, including through close contact with staff, and was supplemented by interviews at head office level as well as by contacts during earlier research and policy work.

The paper starts by providing an historical overview of agency activity in Liberia before moving on to an organisational analysis of the selected agencies. It concludes with an attempt to assess aspects of good practice and performance through an analysis of the features of agencies that have contributed to effective and peace building programmes, and offers conclusions on good practice for agencies.

Source publication information
Agency survey
36 p.
Available at IDS for reference

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D : Emergencies, disasters and refugees 3942
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00