Needs Assessment in Changara District, for Development in the Resettlement Programme in Tete

This was essentially a two-week evaluation of the current programme of resettlement in Tete, Mozambique started in September 1994. The aims were to assess the needs of older people, particularly the most vulnerable, in two communities of Changara district, Tete province; to use the exercise as a planning tool to determine priority areas and appropriate strategies for developing the Resettlement and Community Development Programme with older people in the district, fostering the empowerment of participants; finally, to make recommendations for future resettlement programmes by Helpage International. A participatory methodology was employed in order to analyse change in community and family structures, as well as the position of older people in the community and how this affects the support and care the community can provide.

Helpage International
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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00