This is a collection of short reports relating to the work of AKRSP. The first reports conversations with villagers on their livelihoods. The second reports a visit to village Jambhar, Netrang, in which women made a very detailed map of their village - the methods and process are described in detail. Following the mapping, a transect was done to gather extra information - interrupted by the women's' household work duties. A wealth ranking exercise, a daily activity analysis for women and a problem analysis are also described. The conversations and participants' attitudes and comments are reported, adding a useful dimension to the usual reports of the use of methods. The third paper reports an informative casual conversation with a villager about local livelihoods, and conversations in the village with women about forest use and women's knowledge of forest plants. The paper ends with reflections on the conduct of these conversations. The fourth paper reports a topical PRA in a village on agriculture, which involved free listing of tasks, gender categorisation of tasks, and seasonal categorisation of tasks and crops. The paper ends with notes on what was learned about women's attitudes and practices and what remains to be learned.
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Interest groups:
These paper may interest those involved in women in development, especially in South Asia.