Measuring the magic? Evaluating and researching young people's participation in public decision making

Publication year: 

This report examines what works, the issues that need to be examined, and future challenges concerning young people making public decisions. Young people are increasingly being involved in participatory projects, yet little attention in evaluations is given to how adults benefit from their involvement in participatory projects. There is, however, substantial evidence that good participatory work benefits the participating young people, including confidence, self-belief, knowledge, understanding and changed attitudes. The main finding is that more evaluation is needed to ensure young people are meaningfully involved in public decision making. To do this programmes need to develop clear aims and objectives for their work, they should include young peopleÆs views, redress power imbalances and use appropriate methods.

79 p.
Carnegie Young People Initiative
Carnegie Young People Initiative, The Mezzanine, Elizabeth House, 39 York Road, London SE1 7NQ
Publisher reference: 
Carnegie Young People Initiative

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Post date: 04/09/2012 - 00:00