Making rights real: exploring citizenship, participation and accountability

Gaventa, John|Shankland, Alex|Howard, Joanna
Publication year: 

This edition of the IDS Bulletin features papers by researchers and practitioners associated with the Development Research Centre on Citizenship, Participation and Accountability (Citizenship DRC), an international research partnership dedicated to exploring the new forms of citizenship which are needed to make rights real for poor people.|The Citizenship DRC brings together over 50 researchers from research institutions and civil society groups based in Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Mexico, Nigeria, South Africa and the U.K. It encourages collaborative work across national, institutional and disciplinary boundaries. Researchers have formed thematic working groups, and each group has its own website to share experiences.|This issue is split into the following sections:|1. Meanings and Expressions of Rights and Citizenship: - Citizenship, Affiliation and Exclusion: Perspectives from the South - Agendas in Encountering Citizens in the Nigerian Context - Making Rights Real in Bangladesh through Collective Citizen Action - Citizenship, Science and Risk: Conceptualising Relationships across Issues and Settings|2. Concepts and Practices of Participation: - Locating Citizen Participation - Linking Citizenship, Participation and Accountability: A Perspective from PRIA - Deliberative Fora and the Democratisation of Social Policies in Brazil - Citizenship and the 'Right to Education': Perspectives from the Indian Context - Participation of Indigenous and Rural People in the Construction of Developmental and Environmental Public Policies in Mexico|3. Dimensions of Accountability: - From Responsibility to Citizenship? Corporate Accountability for Development - Who speaks for Whom? A look at civil society Accountability in Bioprospecting Debates in Mexico

Source publication information
Journal Title: 
IDS bulletin
Vol. 33, no.2 (Apr 2002)
Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE, UK
Publisher reference: 
Institute of Development Studies

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