Livestock rehabilitation programme in Mozambique

Publication year: 

Thousands of farmers who sought refuge in urban centres during the ten-year civil war in Mozambique are now returning to their farms. In response to this changing situation, VetAid, a UK-based NGO, is planning a community restocking programme. PRA methods were used to gather information on the socio-economic, ecological and political conditions in the villages. This information was then used help design a restocking programme appropriate to the needs of the community. The article describes some of the methods which were used, which included wealth ranking, informal interviews, matrix ranking, diagrams and historical transects.

Interest groups: 
This article will be of interest to local level NGO fieldworkers
Source publication information
Journal Title: 
RRA Notes
IIED, 3 Endsleigh Street, London. WC1H 0DD.

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A : RRA notes 493
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00