Lessons learned in community-based environmental

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This book documents the proceedings of the 1990 Primary Environmental Care workshop in Siena, Italy. The conference was organised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Instituto Superiore di Sanita and the Second World Conservation Strategy Project. The more than thirty participants were professionals specialising in environment, socioeconomics, health and development, from international organisations, NGOs, and institutions. The book is based on the presentations, discussions and written contributions offered at the workshops. Section One communicates the main lessons learned by presenting the transcript proceedings of presentations and discussions in the workshop, featuring different case studies, concentrating on: Reversing desertification, featuring a case study in Niger; Natural reserves, featuring the national parks in Cameroon; Agriculture, with a pilot experience of soil conservation in Nigeria; Forestry, relating to the Tropical Forestry Action Plan in Mexico; Sustainable development and people, describing the situation in two villages in Madagascar; Water sanitation, focussing on community-based projects globally; Working and urban environments, focussing on the Philippines; and Disaster prevention and environmental health, with an example of flooding in Colombia. Section 2 treats community needs and resources featuring four papers on subjects such as the capacity of NGOs and youth associations to address sustainable development, and medicine and environmental health. Section 3 elaborates on primary environmental care (PEC). Section 4 examines the conditions for success in community-based environmental management. Three annexes are included with lists of participants and affiliations; case studies presented and discussed; and addresses of participant institutions.

Source publication information
Proceedings of the Primary Environmental Care Workshop, Siena, Italy, 29th January - 2nd February 1990
xix, 246 p.
International Course for Primary Healthcare Managers at District Level in Developing Countries (ICHM), Istituto Superiore di SanitÓ, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy
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Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Agriculture and NRM : Environmental issues 4854
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00