Lessons from the field: Gender and decison making: Kenya case study

Publication year: 

World Neighbours is a non-governmental organization (NGO) which aims to work at the grassroots level in order to eliminate hunger, disease and poverty in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This document reports on a World Neighbours Programme, which took place in East Africa and attempted to help community members analyze and address gender issues at the household level. Three themes relating to gender inequalities were focused on: decision making about household assets; responsibility for meeting family needs; decision making on child-bearing. The document describes the participatory tools used during the five-year programme and the lessons learnt from the issues raised as well as any changes in attitudes and behaviour amongst participants as a result of the programme. The most significant lesson was that of the need for spouses to communicate.

24 p.
World Neighbors
World Neighbors, East Africa Office, PO Box 14728, Nairobi, Kenya
Publisher reference: 
World Neighbors

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D : Gender 4191
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00