RRAs were conducted in two local Landcare areas of Australia by the students and staff of Charles Sturt University-Riverina. The ethos of Landcare is based on "groups of people who work together to care for the land in their local area" and it was felt that a PRA/RRA approach might provide a solution to the problems faced by Landcare committees and extension workers. The paper describes the organisation and methods of the RRAs from data collection phase through to data analysis and feedback to participants. "Successful team building and goal setting" were seen as the key processes in doing an RRA. A discussion of the adaptation and applicability of the RRA methodology to the Australian context, including "institutional barriers to an RRA approach", concludes the paper.
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This article would be useful to trainers, researchers, planners and policy makers in developed countries, who intend to use a PRA approach in agricultural extension.