Intrahousehold impact of transfer of modern agricultural technology : a gender perspective

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The present study explores the intrahousehold impact of transfer of modern agricultural technology from a gender perspective. The data suggest that in comparison with the individual approach, group based programs targeted towards women have a great potential to address gender relations within the household and society. It is evident that in male-dominated societies where women have extremely limited access to internal or external support networks targeting programs to women as individuals without providing an alternative source of support is bound to fail in its gender goals. Further, the study shows that irrespective of the programs, the income gains of women from implementation of the new technologies are not substantial. It is common among women who retain control over their income to use it primarily on children. The intrahousehold distribution of micronutrient rich food may go in favour of poor women when that food is not preferred by men

Source publication information
Draft prepared for International Food Policy Research Institute
61 p. + Appendix
Available at IDS for reference

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D : Gender 3385
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00