Information Collection for Risk-Mapping in the Mopti Region, Mali: Field Report on Methodological Questions

Publication year: 

Save the Children Fund is currently involved in the development of an operational method for mapping risk of and vulnerability to food insecurity. This report is the result of field work to collect information on food security and the household food economy in the Mopti region of Mali. This will be used to build up a regional case study applying risk mapping methodology to this region. The methodology involved the collection of information from key informants on sources of food and income, expenditure on food, value of savings and food stocks for households of different degrees of poverty. Information derived from informants and secondary sources was also collected on migration, use of wild foods, and prices in cereal and livestock markets. The paper highlights some of the practical difficulties of finding suitable key informants and considers whether the information they provide is suitable for the risk mapping model. It asserts the need for consistent and skilled interviewing, with considerable advance knowledge of an area, and a capacity to discern biases of respondents.

Interest groups: 
Interesting to those involved in using RRA related techniques in food security planning at regional level
Save the Children Fund
Publisher reference: 
Save the Children

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D : Food security 273
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00