History and Development of PRA Worldwide

Publication year: 

This conference paper traces the origins of RRA (and PRA), the rationale behind its emergence and its close affiliations with a number of discipline approaches such as social anthropology, farming systems research, Freirian activism, etc. While defining PRA and outlining its key philosophical elements, the paper contends that the distinctions made between RRA and PRA are merely difference in methods and both (PRA and RRA) can be used in a complementary manner. The paper briefly highlights the length, breadth and the depth of the spread of PRA over the years and the challenges facing PRA, such as institutional and individual values and attitudes which are not conducive to the essence of participatory development. The notable part played by Ethiopia in the evolution of PRA is also mentioned.

Source publication information
Available at IDS for reference
National PRA Conference
Conference Location: 
Addis Ababa

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A : Critical reflections and challenges 1220
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00