An RRA was conducted by a four person team in Freetown, Sierra Leonne and surrounding villages. Previously a statistical survey had been conducted by a different group of researchers in the same area. As well as the main academic objective of comparing the results of an RRA with a statistical survey, the practical objective was to provide an information for an FAO fuelwood project. A variety of PRA methods were used: key informant interviews, mapping, trading flow diagrams and preference pair ranking (of tree species). The results of the study were presented in the form of flow diagrams representing the volume of fuelwood traded and the major participants. The RRA results are compared with the preliminary results of the statical survey (278 questions). There were many similar findings but also some important differences. It is concluded that "RRA is a far more appropriate and accurate way to collect socio-ecological information for social forestry projects."
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This study would make interesting background reading for any organisation contemplating a survey, particularly on fuelwood utilisation. Also contributes to the RRA versus conventional survey debate.