In the hands of the people: selected papers of Anil C. Shah

Publication year: 

This book is a collection of selected papers by Anil C. Shah. The book spans the worlds of Government and civil society over a lengthy career working with the poor and marginalised.

It covers a wide range of activities based on direct personal experience and innovation in the field. It contains a mixture of short personal articles and longer, broader and more detailed articles.

The work is presented from a variety of contexts ranging from government administration to NGO's, from community development to joint forest management, from watershed development to participatory irrigation management, and from behaviour, attitudes and training to influencing and changing policy.

Source publication information
Edited by S. Iyengar and I. Hirway
392 p.
Gujarat Institute of Development Research
Gujarat Institute of Development Research, Gota, PO Gujarat high Ciurt, Ahmedabad 380 060, India
Publisher reference: 
Gujarat Institute of Development Research

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
A : Participatory Approaches : General 4330
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00