The Ad Hoc Working Group set up following the adoption of the DAC (Development Co-operation Directorate of OECD) Orientations on Participatory Development and Good Governance at the December 1993 DAC High Level Meeting (HLM) has completed its three-year mandate. Part I (i.e. the present part) of this report sets out the main results of this work as agreed by DAC Members in the framework of the Ad Hoc Working Group. This includes an agreed policy note, endorsed by the HLM of 1996, on in country co-ordination and a related guidance note on possible first steps for donors. It looks at the conclusions and action-oriented outcomes; the major points emerging from topic discussions; promoting in-country dialogue and coordination; and linkages to other development objectives and the DAC strategy for shaping the 21st century. It also contains three annexes with: Mandate and scope of work of the DAC Ad Hoc working group on PD/GG; Policy note on strengthening country level coordination for participatory development and good governance; and Proposed guidance for introducing in-country coordination on participatory development and good governance issues. Part II, Lessons from Experience in Selected Areas of Support for Participatory Development and Good Governance, contains summaries of the discussions on the main themes taken up over the last three years in formal meetings and in a series of informal seminars organised jointly by Members and the OECD Development Centre. Additionally, a separate publication Evaluation of Programs Promoting Participatory Development and Good Governance resulting from surveys of evaluation results and lessons learned in a number of relevant PD/GG ôsectorsö.
Publication year:
28 p
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