Fieldwork guide: Palestinian Participatory Poverty Assessment

Publication year: 

This guide aims to present a briefing on the purposes, domain, strategies, instruments, samples and enforcement plans of the Palestinian Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPPA) project, the result of a memorandum of understanding signed between the Palestinian Authority (represented by MOPIC) and DFID in 2000. The UN Development Program (UNDP) monitored the implementation of the project in collaboration with the National Commission for Poverty Eradication (MNCPE) and MOPIC's Institutional Building and Human Development Directorate (IBHDD).

This document is the outcome of continued discussions over several months between the poverty reduction team, the supervisory panel of the project and the project management team, and is based on the characteristics and philosophy of poverty assessment as outlined in the memorandum of understanding. It reflects the importance of linking PPAs with the process of policies and strategies formulation for poverty reduction. It also presents the mechanisms for integrating and including the perspectives of poor people into the process of formulation of policies and poverty reduction programmes at national and local levels.

57 p.
Available at IDS for reference

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D : Poverty : PPAs 4526
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00