Farmer's participation in agricultural research and extension : Lessons from the last decade.

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This article is a conceptual review of a decade of work on Farmer Participation in Research and Extension (FPR/E). Though FPR/E does have an important role, it has generated over-optimistic expectations. This is caused by lack of clarity in the objectives of different kinds of participation; the way participatory approaches relate to other modes of client orientation; and the various roles of different organizations in promoting participation. A major unresolved issue is the need to complement depth of participation with breadth of coverage. Inter-agency collaboration may hold some, but not all the solutions to this dilemma. (Biotechnology and Development Monitor)

Source publication information
Journal Title: 
Biotechnology and Development Monitor
Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Political Science, OudezijdsAchterburgwal 237, 1012 DL Amsterdam. The Netherlands.

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D : Agriculture : farmer research and extension 2963
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00