Farmer participatory procedures

Publication year: 

In order to attempt to improve the sustainable management of agricultural resources and reduce external inputs, an attempt was made to create a method for monitoring farmers use of resources. This was also used to monitor changes made to the farming system, providing an integrated analysis of livestock, forestry, aquaculture and crops. Maps and transects were used, with bioresource flow modelled between enterprises and resource types. Inputs and flows are recorded. At the start and end of each season farmers come together to discuss their records, which are also recorded by scientists who introduce new ideas for management. Analysis over time allows farmers to monitor changes in their farm system with changes in management. More time series analysis is felt by the scientists to be needed.

Interest groups: 
May interest researchers concerned with agricultural and integrated resource systems
Source publication information
Journal Title: 
Journal of Asian Farming systems

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D : Agriculture 881
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00