Farmer Participation in Extension.

Publication year: 

It describes and discusses the extension paradigm and qualitative research methodology known as "Rapid Rural Appraisal", in relation to a farmer focused survey conducted in the MIA by a multidisciplinary research team, referred to as the "Griffith RRA". The paper compares two extension approaches: the Transfer Technology (TOT) and Farmer First paradigms. It then concentrates on the latter, looking specifically at the "Griffith" approach and the subsequent analysis. It is concluded that there is significant potential for the RRA methodology to enhance farmers' participation in extension and research.

Interest groups: 
Agriculturalists, researchers, fieldworkers and scientists; policy makers, practitioners and planners; as well as those working at the community, national, regional and project level.
School of Agriculture, Charles Sturt University - Riverina, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
The Future of Irrigation in the Murray-Darling Basin Conference
Conference Location: 
NSW Australia.

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Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Agriculture and NRM : Farmer research and extension 29
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00