A facilitators' guide to participatory workshops with NGOs/CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS

Publication year: 

Participatory approaches are widely used to encourage group members to become involved in processes. Activities such as drawing, role play and small group work can be particularly useful in HIV/AIDS work when exploring sensitive issues such as sexual experiences, vulnerability and risk. This guide is designed to be an ôideas bookö of shared experiences to help facilitators prepare for participatory workshops, meetings and planning activities with NGOs and CBOs responding to HIV/AIDS in developing countries. Drawing on the practical experiences of the Alliance and its partners, it is packed with effective ideas such as drawing community maps and active listening exercises

17 p
International HIV/AIDS Alliance
International HIV/AIDS Alliance (secretariat), 1st and 2nd Floor, Preece House, 91-101 Davigdor Road, Hove, BN3 1RE, United Kingdom
Brighton, UK
Publisher reference: 
International HIV/AIDS Alliance

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C : Guides and manuals : Training and workshop skills 5538
Post date: 09/04/2008 - 00:00