This excerpt discusses lessons derived from PRA field experience about the practice of PRA. It shows what possible situations a PRA team can experience during the transition from individuals in a classroom to teamwork in the field, and gives 'tips' on key aspects of the PRA process. First contacts in the village can be awkward, but are crucial. Regular reminders to 'hand over the stick' are required. An example is given of a matrix scoring exercise which 'went wrong'. Literate fieldworkers may not present information in a symbolic form accessible to villagers. Team members may become familiar and comfortable with some informants, and have less contact with others, which can become a source of bias. It is important to be flexible in planning the timing of activities (including lunch) and the formation of groups. Facilitators must be careful to guide groups without imposing too much. Feedback sessions each day are important and need to be structured. Surprises may occur, even 'after' the fieldwork has been done. Putting the information together in the report can be difficult.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
This excerpt contains much of interest for both trainers and fieldworkers.
Publisher reference:
IIED/ActionAid The Gambia