Everyday Evaluation on the Run.

Publication year: 

This handbook is an exhaustive and practically oriented guide to carrying out evaluations internally and externally. The booklet is divided into five main sections. The first section explains why built in 'naturalistic' everyday evaluation is valuable and introduces the familiarity of it's process. The second section includes a lengthy discussion on the matter of who the evaluation is for and a discussion of the pro's and con's of internal and external evaluation. Section three begins by questioning whether there is a need to do more evaluations and two different approaches to evaluation are highlighted; an open inquiry approach and an audit review approach. The next section examines how evaluation can be built in as part of an institutions daily routine and the idea of a 'culture of evaluation' within an institute. The final section in the booklet is described as a 'toolbox for evaluation purposes' and constitutes different models of evaluation processes, some associated techniques of evaluation i.e. methods of gathering data and some well known methodologies or paradigms of knowledge. The paper concludes with a list of reference material for evaluation.

The Action Research Issues Associations (Inc.)
The Action Research Issues Associations (Incorporated), 4th Floor Ross House 247-251 Flinders Lane, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000.
Melbourne, Australia
Publisher reference: 
The Action Research Issues Associations (Inc.)

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00