This chapter is a case study about theatre, community development and national identity in Eritrea. The chapter describes the evolution of the Eritrea Community-Based Theatre Project which began in 1992. The Project developed out of a meeting between the Eritrean Division of Culture, Alemseged Tesfai and the author in response to a perceived need to build up EritreaÆs national theatre culture in the aftermath of the 30-year liberation struggle. The chapter describes the project and its precedents in other African countries, the details of the project itself (the first week, the working routine etc), as well as details of the follow-up stages such as going on tour and building a core group of professional performers. The author concludes with optimism, linking the achievements of the liberation struggle and the commitment of many Eritreans to nation building with the hope to develop a dynamic nationwide theatre network in Eritrea.
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Cambridge University Press