Environmental issues and management in refugee situations

Publication year: 

This workbook is an output from TSEMPRAA Activity (Towards Sustainable Environmental Management Practices in Refugee-Affected Areas) and arose from UNHCR's concern for the environment. With a policy based on the principles of integration, prevention before cure, cost-effectiveness and benefit maximisation, and local participation, the challenge for UNHCR is to translate these principles into practice in planning and management of refugee situations. Intended for use primarily by field staff working in refugee situations, this self study workbook aims to raise awareness of environmental issues, introduce planning tools to identify potential environmental impacts and provide guidance for further information.

Source publication information
Self-learning workbook. Draft - not to be quoted
120 p.
Environment Unit, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Geneva

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Emergencies, disasters and refugees 3427
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00