Theatre and Development encompasses a growing movement of practitioners, advocates and researchers, who, since the 1970s, have advocated and applied theatre as a tool for participation and social change. This book provides a comprehensive sourcebook for experienced and novice practitioners alike, advocating the use of theatre in participatory development as a way for groups to discover their own goals and aspirations, and explore the personal and social dimensions that can lead to change. In the foreword, Robert Chambers supports the use of theatre in development because it can add heart and body to typically brain based practices in development. The potential importance of theatre, although yet to be realised, is immense as it has the capacity to recognise and challenge the central importance of power and relationships in development. In the first part, the book presents 140 exercises to be used at all stages of participatory development, ranging from ice-breakers and warm up activities to those dealing with power relations and conflict resolution. Each exercise is followed by comments by experienced field practitioners. The second part contextualises theatre for development within current debates on empowerment and participation. This book is based on an earlier ARTPAD manual (1999), where practical activities and techniques were created, tested and adapted through participatory research and training workshops with civil society organisations in Northeast Brazil and Peru.
Publication year:
vii, 151 p.
Publisher reference:
Earthscan Publications Ltd.