Empowering customary community institutions to manage natural resources in Tanzania, A case study from Bariadi District

Publication year: 

Mlenge, with Johansson as consultant, carried out a six-week study in Bariadi District, Tanzania, "on indigenous knowledge, attitudes and practices (IKAP) in relation to plants and environmental degradation", using a team of local persons. The report focuses on the "dagashida", a community assembly of men which formulates laws and sanctions and which used to have more power. Three "dagashida's" to which women were also invited were held in three villages, specifically on environmental issues. All three raised very similar issues and recommendations. The authors feel the "dagashida" has much potential in community management of natural resources. They also feel working with IKAP, which lies between research and extension, can contribute to change

Interest groups: 
This article may be of interest to planners and fieldworkers at all levels.
HASHI Project
Wendelin Mlenge, HASHI Project, Shinyanga Region, Tanzania
Publisher reference: 
HASHI Project

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Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Agriculture and NRM : Environmental issues 656
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00