From earthworks to frameworks : an analysis of the Battle Globe group and their community garden, Reading, UK using the sustainable livelihoods approach

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This dissertation has two aims. Firstly, on a practical level, to carry out an assessment of the sustainability of the Battle 'Globe' group (BGG) community garden, in Reading, UK using a participatory action research approach. Secondly, on a theoretical level, to use the Sustainable rural Livelihoods (SRL) approach as a framework for analysing the community garden. The definitions and concepts behind the SRL approach are discussed. This is followed by an analysis of the community garden using parts of the SRL framework. The strengths and weaknesses of this approach are discussed and alternative tools for analysis suggested. The theoretical conclusions are that the SRL framework needs to be more explicit in how to manage scale, how to analyse institutions, how to develop definitions for social capital and how this can be taught to practitioners. The practical conclusions for the BGG are that the sustainability of the group and the garden can be enhanced by participatory monitoring and evaluation, increasing links with other organisations in the neighbourhood and raising awareness of changes at higher level that could affect the garden in the future. Finally, the extent to which theoretical frameworks and participatory approaches compliment one another is addressed.

Source publication information
Dissertation (MA) - Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Department, University of Reading
118 p.
Available at IDS for reference

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00