Development and the learning organisation

Publication year: 

As development NGOs and official aid agencies embrace the idea of becoming a learning organisation, they are increasingly concerned with some form of knowledge generation and organisational learning. To date, the literature on these issues has tended to come out of the private sector and reflect a Western world view. Development and the Learning Organisation presents contributions from development scholars and practitioners from a range of institutional backgrounds around the world. These contributions are organised under five themes: Power, culture and gender: challenges to organisational learning; Learning together: multi-institutional initiatives; Levels of learning: organisational case studies; Learning from humanitarian action, and Ways and means: tools and methods for learning and change. Some introduce new approaches and models, others offer critical case studies of individual and group learning practice across cultures as well as organisational efforts to put theory into practice. The book ends with a review of resources including books, journals, organisations, websites and publishers.

Source publication information
Development in Practice reader
Essays from Development in Practice
xvii, 434 p.
Oxfam GB in association with Oxfam America and IDS
For details of local agents
Publisher reference: 
Oxfam GB in association with Oxfam America and IDS

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Organisational change 4449
Post date: 03/03/2007 - 00:00