This report has been produced for the Commonwealth FoundationÆs Civil Society in the New Millennium project. It details and explores citizen-state relations in Zimbabwe, with profound insight and analysis from Zimbabweans at all levels and backgrounds. It looks at democratic governance in a national (Zimbabwean) context, examining a changing relationship between leadership and the people; socio-political trends; citizenÆs movement and actions; and state roles/responses. The report is a result of the community publishing process, which is an innovative method of development and education that builds the skills, confidence and creativity of community activists by involving them in the collective production of books. The method leading up to the production of the book is presented and explained briefly. The findings from the community publishing process regarding democratic governance in Zimbabwe are presented including illustrations, personal accounts interviews and analysis. It includes a section on community views and a documentary analysis. Finally, conclusion and recommendations are made regarding the ægood societyÆ and its present existence; the role of citizens, state and other sectors in a ôgood societyÆ; and concepts of democracy.
Publication year:
104 p.
Publisher reference:
Commonwealth Foundation