Conservation With A Human Face

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This video provides an example of PRA being used in the management of conflict over access to natural resources between managers of conservation park and local communities. Keoladeo National Park, Rajasthan, contains a rich variety of wildlife in wetland, woodland and grassland environments. Until 1982, the 15,000 people who live near the park had access to parkland for cattle grazing. These customary rights were removed by the park administration to protect wildlife. The villagers contended that grazing and grass collection benefits the environment. In late 1995 a PRA process involving park authorities, WWF staff and community organisers was conducted in order to create dialogue between the park authorities and local community, and so that villagers' perceptions could contribute to the wise use of local resources. The PRA activities are not shown in detail (15 - 18). The dialogue leads to several major decisions (19), and the process is judged to have created a successful partnership. This example has implications for the management of other wetlands.

World Wildlife Fund for Nature International, Avenue de Mont Blanc, Gland, CH 1196, Switzerland. Tel.: + 41 22 364 9509. Fax: + 41 22 364 5829/8219.
22 mins

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00