This publication is the outcome of a workshop sponsored by the Canadian IDRC which examined the research methods available to rapidly generate information on community nutrition problems. Paper One (see Cervinskas. J, 1990) is an introduction which offers explanations for the failures of conventional scientific research in nutrition. Paper Two describes RRA and RAP as methodologies suited for making nutrition research more relevant (see Kachondham. Y, 1990) Paper Three discusses RAP for community-based Assessment and Analysis. (see Hurtado. E, 1990) Paper Four is a case study of a sociological approach to nutrition problems in Java. Paper five assesses nutrition problems in India using RRA methods. The summmary concludes that RRA and RAP techniques are complementary to conventional, qualitative methods.
Publication year:
Interest groups:
This publication is directed at nutrition scientists, health policy makers and NGOs.
29 p.
Publisher reference:
International Development Research Centre