Communicating with Pictures

Publication year: 

A research project was conducted in nine different parts of Nepal to find out how non-literate adults responded to a variety of pictures and diagrams. Findings of the study included : villagers do not expect to receive ideas from pictures, villagers tend to 'read' pictures very literally and that villagers do not necessarily assume that thee is any connection between the pictures in a series. It was found however that 'if a picture's message is explained to villagers, they will probably remember the message when they see the picture again'. This even proved true in the case of an abstract diagram illustrating the transmission of TB. The study also compared the kind of illustrations that were most readily understood.

Interest groups: 
This booklet, written in clear, simple English with many illustrations, serves as a useful introduction to the ideas around visual literacy. PRA trainers would find the findings about visual aids relevant for their own materials.
23 p.
UNICEF, PO Box 1187, Kathmandu, Nepal
IDS Rm 264
Publisher reference: 

How to find this resource

Shelfmark in IDS Resource Centre
D : Visual literacy 838
Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00