Child Labour in Ho Chi Minh City

Publication year: 

This research tried to break new methodological ground in learning about children's lives with children, involving them in research and project work. Working in a metropolis with an estimated 5-6 million people, the research consisted of a series of focused, in-depth, qualitative studies about specific types of children's work. The study found that poor children are working the longest hours in the worst conditions for the lowest pay. The work varies greatly, but overall children are most prevalent in jobs requiring few skills and little capital. The work is often hazardous, boring and repetitive, which, combined with the long working hours, hinders children's physical, social and intellectual development.

137 p.
Save the Children (UK)
Save the Children (UK), 218 Doi Can, Hanoi, Vietnam, tel 84 4 832 5319, email
Publisher reference: 
Save the Children (UK)

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Post date: 01/01/2000 - 00:00